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- Thoughtware is the ideas you use to think with.
A Culture and its Context do not occur separate from a group of people. And yet, the culture is not the people. The culture is a collection of ideas.
When Mr. Creedy (one of the 'bad guys' in the film V for Vendetta) shoots V (the masked 'good guy') with every bullet in his gun, and V stays standing, Mr. Creedy screams at him in outrage and panic, “Die! Die! Why won't you die?”
V responds with measured intensity landing every word solidly into Mr. Creedy's being, “Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy. And ideas are bulletproof.” What Is Thoughtware?
Where Does Thoughtware Come From?
In school you learn what to think about. This is called 'content'. Your mind is full of content.
Before you went to school you learned what to think with. They would not let you into school before you could already think. What you think with is called 'Thoughtware.'
Thoughtware sets the context of your life, interactions, and possibilities.
Where did you get your Thoughtware? From your parents.
Where did your parents get their Thoughtware? From their parents, and so on, for generation after generation.
You are using very outdated Thoughtware.
You have inherited Standard Issue Human Thoughtware.
How often do you upgrade the programs in your smartphone?
How often have you upgraded the Thoughtware in your own mind?
Perhaps you have some Thoughtware upgrading that you would like to do?
Shall we proceed?
What Is Thoughtware Made From?
You are probably conscious of some percentage of the Thoughtware you are using, and you are probably unconscious of the rest of the Thoughtware you are using.
What percentage Conscious Thoughtware? Write your estimate into your Beep! Book.
What percentage Unconscious Thoughtware? Write your estimate into your Beep! Book.
The more you become conscious of the Thoughtware you use, the more Choice you have about using it. Choosing is one of your 3 fundamental human Powers.
Possibility Management clarifies and empowers your choices about which Thoughtware you use.
Nobody can become conscious of your Thoughtware for you.
Nobody can stop you from becoming more and more conscious of the Thoughtware you use.
Unconscious Thoughtware includes superstitions, taboos, Memetic Constructs, reasons, prejudices, projections, assumptions, conclusions, expectations, positionality, judgements, beliefs, stories, resentment, revenge, fantasy worlds, reactivity, old decisions, rumors, opinions, etc.
Conscious Thoughtware is made out of consciously chosen distinctions and consciously chosen thoughtmaps.
By thinking about what you did not know you were thinking with, you can discover what you were not aware that you were not aware of.
When you consciously install new thoughtware to think with, you can think new things in new territories. Then you become an Experimenter.
If You Are Not Aware Of The Thoughtware You Are Using, Then Others Can Change Your Thoughtware Without You Hardly Noticing
Every passenger the Italian Taxi driver drag into his van in the parking lot at the Ostuni train station is a 5€ fish he catches. We are nothing more than €5 bills to him. He will plant any idea he can into our mind just to convince us to step into his fishnet. "Hey! Hey! You want a ride up to the town? Just step in here!" He interrupts us looking at the posted bus schedule. "The bus? Sheesh! You cannot count on the bus! The Taxi is fast." (Not any faster than the bus, of course. There is a speed limit in this town.) "It is a long way to walk up that hill." ('Long way' is an opinion, a story he tries to plant into our thinking.) "The Taxi is easier." (Another story.) "No, I won't drop you off at your Air BNB. Taxis are not allowed to drive in the village! The streets are too narrow." (They are not too narrow.) "The Police have video cameras to catch me if I try. I will drop you in the center of the village." (We see no video cameras. He drops us at the outskirts of the village.) "I will leave right away! " (He does not leave 'right away'. He makes us wait while he traps an additional family of four with their bags and kids, and then makes us wait still longer while he stops along the road and talks two more passengers to join him in the front seat. He drives his full 'catch' two minutes further to his chosen drop off point. As he drives off, we stand there wondering if we decided to be driven up the hill to the edge of the village, or if the Taxi driver put thoughts into our minds that served as Reasons for our decision.)
What you can do with upgraded Thoughtware is create new results.
Please watch the short video below...
What Can You Do With Upgraded Thoughtware?
What you can do with upgraded Thoughtware is create new results.
Please watch the short video below...
Ideas are bulletproof.
From your Possibility Management Trainer Katharina Kaifler.
"Most people do not see their beliefs; instead their beliefs tell them what to see. This is the simple difference between clarity and confusion."
- Dom PerignonWhen Albert Einstein told us, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them," he neglected to offer us any new forms of thinking.
Even more importantly, Mr. Einstein failed to prepare us to navigate the gaping void between stopping using one form of thinking and beginning to implement a new form of thinking. In the middle of the shift between old and new thoughtware opens up groundless Liquid States.
Even if you manage to navigate your Conscious Fear during a thoughtware upgrade, there is still this nagging unanswerable series of further questions:
"What if the new form of thinking does not work?"
"How could I ever return to my old form of thinking after I have already discovered that new forms of thinking are possible?'
"If I actually succeed at thinking differently, how will my friends and families relate to me?"
"Will I live the rest of my life as a lonely outcast, considered dangerous or insane, and hunted down by society?"
This is no exaggeration. After all, you are descended from the survivors of 700 years of Catholic Inquisitions and Witch Burnings. Your ancestors survived because their mothers taught them the first lesson she learned from her own mother: "Watch out for what the neighbors think! Do not use your special skills or intuitions. Behave and speak like everyone else, or the neighbors will call in the Inquisitors!"
It takes immense courage to do the experiment of relocating your Point of Origin into a context that is different from the context of the capitalist patriarchal empire.
It can help to remember that radical responsibility exists, that the Universe emerges from Archetypal domains, and that we human beings are designed to grow up both personally and culturally into gloriously adventurous adults.
It can also help to remember that there are over 300 million of us Cultural Creatives out here already, beyond the thoughtware limits of modern culture, mostly below modern culture's corporate-controlled news radar.
By upgrading your Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware your life may indeed change. However, you will definitely NOT be alone.
Harry & Samantha: Thoughtware Workout
Change A Belief
Matrix Code THOTWARE.01
The way to change a belief has two steps.
Step One is to recognize and isolate your belief and identify it as a belief.
Step Two is to do experiments to test whether or not your belief is valid.
Since anyone can believe anything about anything, then:
- Either every belief is valid, in which case there is no need for conflict or war because no belief is more valid than the next.
- Or no belief is valid, in which case there is no need for conflict or war because no belief is more valid than the next.
The way to disintegrate a belief is, after you have identified something as a belief, for example to see that "Security is possible," is a belief, then to replace it with direct experience that contradicts your belief.
Enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Differentiate Between Your 'Compass' And Your 'Map'
Matrix Code THOTWARE.02
This is a story told by Seth Godin at his blog.
Wouldn’t it be great if we always had a map? A set of step-by-step instructions on how to get from here to there, wherever we were and wherever wanted to go…
Steve Pressfield relates this magical story:
"A Ghurka rifleman escaped from a Japanese prison in south Burma and walked six hundred miles alone through the jungles to freedom. The journey took him five months, but he never asked the way and he never lost the way. For one thing he could not speak Burmese and for another he regarded all Burmese as traitors. He used a map and when he reached India he showed it to the Intelligence officers, who wanted to know all about his odyssey. Marked in pencil were all the turns he had taken, all the roads and trail forks he has passed, all the rivers he had crossed. It had served him well, that map. The Intelligence officers did not find it so useful. It was a street map of London."
I love this story.
Happy endings come from an understanding of the compass, not the presence of a useful map.
If you’ve got the wrong map, the right compass will get you home if you know how to use it.
What is the 'right compass'? It is a combination of purpose, intuition, sword of clarity, experiential reality, imagination, yes, but most of all it is the information and energy of your 4 feelings that you develop by learning Inner Navigation.
Here is the Experiment: For this next week, find a new way to get to work each day, or school, or wherever you need to get to without asking for directions from anyone. Instead, let your fear, anger, sadness, and joy guide you. At first you may need to allow extra time to make the journey, but whatever it takes, find 5 different ways to get there that you never took before. Write down in your Beep! Book what you observe about yourself while learning to use your inner compass.
Enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Notice Thoughtware From Advertisements
Matrix Code THOTWARE.03
For this experiment, grab your Beep! Book. Go to a blank page and title it: "Thoughtware from Advertisements".
Choose three products or companies and write down all the underlying Thoughtware that:
- you need to have in order to buy what they are selling;
- that they want you to have through buying their product.
Notice which of the 4 Feelings you feel with each Thoughtware you write down. Write down the feeling next to the Thoughtware.
For example: Drinking Coca Cola makes you happy. Being happy is the aim of life. I feel angry because...
Hint: Thoughtware are not stories. The Thoughtware are the assumptions, the projections, the expectations, the conclusions, the beliefs, the Memetic Construct, etc. Your Thoughtware is what you think with, not what you think about.
Once you have completed your list with three different products or companies, enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Detect Thoughtware In Jingles
Matrix Code THOTWARE.04
Jingles are short and catchy songs with the purpose of selling you something. They are Thoughtware parasites. You can not get rid of them. They are a Contamination.
Grab you Beep! Book and make a list of all your Jingle-parasites. For each one of them, write down every word that you can remember. By writing it down, you take back your Authority from the Jingles.
The next time you get together with your Possibility Team, bring your Jingles and have a Ceremony to trap them in your Beep! Books forever.
Once you have met with your Team, each of you enters Matrix Code THOTWARE.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point .
Expel Your Thoughtware From School
Matrix Code THOTWARE.05
Ask somebody from your Possibility Team, your Study Group, or from the list of Possibility Coaches to hold space for you for this process. Tell them it will take around 1 hour, or less. If they accept, ask them to read the description of this experiment.
Sit down across from one another. Ask your spaceholder to take notes in your Beep! Book, so you can read what you discovered later.
1. Spaceholder, ask your client: "Click your Clicker and go back to when you were little before you went to school. What Thoughtware did you have from your parents about school?" (let your client answer, and if they need a hint tell them to mention the superstitions, taboos, Memetic Constructs, reasons, prejudices, projections, assumptions, conclusions, expectations, positionality, judgements, beliefs, stories, resentment, revenge, fantasy worlds, reactivity, old decisions, rumors, opinions, etc.)
2. Spaceholder, write down what your client says in their Beep! Book, in a section titled "Pre-School Thoughtware".
3. Spaceholder, ask your client: "Thank you. Now, click your Clicker and let it take you to the next period in your school life when your Thoughtware about school changed. How old are you? What new Thoughtware did you get? What Thoughtware did you let go of? What changed?"
4. Spaceholder, write down the age of your client and which Thoughtware they dropped or took on. Keep going like this until your client comes to the present. Write down their present Thoughtware about school.
5. Client, thank your spaceholder.
Hint for you, the client: let your clicker take you to each crucial moment in the history of your Thoughtware about school. Do not go into your mind.
Once you have completed this process, enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Rage About Your Anger Thoughtware
Matrix Code THOTWARE.06
Do this experiment for one week. Set aside 15 minutes, and grab your Beep! Book. Title a blank page "Anger Thoughtware".
Consciously turn on your anger, and let it get bigger.
Check out the Memes coming up in you about anger. Write them down. Be angry at your mother, your father, be angry at your teacher. Check out the facets of your beliefs and assumptions about anger.
For example: "Anger is dangerous. Anger is loud and destructive. Anger is only for brutes. I am not angry about anything. I am a meditator, a peaceful person."
Continue allowing your anger to get bigger, and writing down the Thoughtware that you have. Why would it not be okay to be angry at____? Why or when would it be okay?
After completing this 15-minute experiment 7 times, enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Cry Over Your Sadness Thoughtware
Matrix Code THOTWARE.07
Repeat the same procedure as the previous experiment.
For one week, spend 15 minutes a day inspecting your personal Thoughtware about sadness. Grab your Beep! Book, and title a blank page "Sadness Thoughtware".
Start consciously feeling your sadness, and let it get bigger. Notice the Thoughtware that comes up around sadness.
For example: "Only weak people are sad, so I will avoid sadness at all costs because I want people to think I am strong. Only strong people are successful."
Continue allowing your sadness to get bigger, and writing down the Thoughtware that you have. Why would it not be okay to be sad? Why or when would it be okay?
After completing this 15-minute experiment 7 times, enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Scream Out Your Fear Thoughtware
Matrix Code THOTWARE.08
Repeat the same procedure as in "Rage About Your Anger Thoughtware".
Inspect your personal Thoughtware about fear. For example: "I cannot be afraid of my father because I love him."
After completing this 15-minute experiment 7 times, enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Dance To Your Joy Thoughtware
Matrix Code THOTWARE.09
Repeat the same procedure as in "Rage About Your Anger Thoughtware".
Inspect your personal thoughtware about joy. For example, "If I am not feeling happy, then I should at least pretend to be happy so that other people do not worry about me."
After completing this 15-minute experiment 7 times, enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Inspect Your Natural Disaster Thoughtware
Matrix Code THOTWARE.10
This experiment is done in your Possibility Team.
PTeam. Groups of 3. One person shouts Tornado or Shark Attack. EArthquacke. As soon as one person says that to the other two people, start arguing about what they should do:
"call the police"
"check the gasline"
"where's the fire extinguisher"
The thoughtware about how you're supposed to respond. One person says it and write down the thoughtware.
The person that says it: IT'S HAPPENING NOW. WHAT'S NEXT. WHAT ELSE.
Car crash!
What Thoughtware are you ready to use when you react to emergencies?
Enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Check Your Holiday Thoughtware
Matrix Code THOTWARE.11
Groups of three in PTeam. Holiday Thoughtware. What is Easter mean. What does Christmas mean. Dump your thoughtware. Why are you carrying this. Why do you have to throw toilet paper over the trees?
Write it down for 15-20 minutes.
the question is: Why are you carrying this? What's the purpose of this?
Christmas on the 24th or the 25th. Hitler had thoughtware that made him kill people that had different thoughtware than him.
Enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Inspecting your Thoughtware
Matrix Code THOTWARE.12
Do this Experiment alone.
Reserve 30-45 minutes for yourself in quiet space. The idea is to look inside of yourself and grab a thoughtware. Notice where your thoughtware is and grab one.
Do this slowly so you get the experience of thoughtware. Inspect where does it come from, who did i get this thoughtware from, what make it become like that? The hints: do not try to change the thoughtware while you do this. That would be like a dog trying to chase its tail. Just inspect it. Purpose. Benefits. Where they came from.
Self-surgery can happen only after 30 minutes of inspection.
Write down each of them separately with its story.
Enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Deep Dive Into Secret Thoughtware
Matrix Code THOTWARE.13
PTeam. Deep dive into secrets. Say what cannot be said. What you cannot share with people. What's not polite. What you can't share. What needs to be secret. Cultural things that you can't let people see your neck. Can't tell people how much money is in your bank account. Can't tell people that you miss them. That you are sexually frustrated. That you have a longing for a perfect adventure and nobody can give it to me. You can't tell people that you have psychological parts that contradict each other.
Taboo thoughtware. Taboo makes your culture. How short can your dress be.
This is about vulnerability. What can you not be vulnerable about. Notice in yourself where the blocks are. The thoughtware is blocking that you can't even say the thing you can't say. You have to reveal the thoughtware.
Enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Check Your Thoughtware About Age
Matrix Code THOTWARE.14
Go where there a lots of little kids. On a nother day go where there are lots of teenagers. Another day go where there are lots of old people. Notice and write down what your thoughtware is about being a kid, being a teenager, being a old person. Notice your thoughtware about what comes with being each of these ages.
I should stop the kids from crying. I need to be nice and careful with them
if you'Re a teenager you don't like your parents and you are in a click.
When you're old:
What is Modern Culture's Thoughtware about each of these categories.
Enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Break Your Thoughtware Rules
Matrix Code THOTWARE.15
Thoughtware rules. The purpose is to, once a day for the next two weeks, find a thing that you're not supposed to do. That your thoughtware would not normally let you do. And do the thing.
For example:
- While Sitting at the bus stop, pull out a dollar bill and burn it.
- At the Post Office break your pen instead of filling out the address.
- Duck tape a dead branch to a tree.
- Leave a note on somebody's car that you love them.
- Write a note on the bathroom mirror that the next person gets a free coffee from you.
- When a dog comes, you lay down in front of the dog instead of bending over to pet it.
- Pick a weed and ask someone, what is this?
- Make 14 short videos of you doing these things.
- Lie down in the grocery store. Meditate there.
After breaking a thoughtware rule once a day for two weeks, please enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 4 Matrix Points.
5 Phases of Thoughtware Upgrade
Matrix Code THOTWARE.16
This Experiment is to notice the thoughtware upgrades happening when you read one of the PM books or websites or articles.
Notice when your thoughtware upgrades. It is a particular series of sensations during which time the shape of your Being changes so that you can never go back to the old shape.
This is a Liquid State.
Notice the 5 Phases of thoughtware upgrade.
These include subtle and not-so-subtle sensations.
Hint: because, is you notice the upgrade you notice.
Enter Matrix Code THOTWARE.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code THOTWARE.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!